Botox® – how does it work
2nd June 2013
Dr Singh who runs his botox clinic from Stevenage in Hertfordshire talks about the exact mechanism botox has on the face to either reduce or…
READ MOREBotox® – who can administer it
30th May 2013
Dr Singh who runs his botox clinic from Stevenage in Hertfordshire talks about the confusion surrounding who is allowed to carry out botox procedures. …
READ MOREBotox® – where does it come from
29th May 2013
Dr Singh who runs his botox clinic from Stevenage in Hertfordshire talks about where does botox come from and dispel some of the myths associated…
READ MOREBotox – why have it?
27th May 2013
Dr Singh who runs his botox clinic in Stevenage, Hertfordshire, talks about the commonest reasons his patients request botox procedures from him. It was only…
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