Dr Singh who runs his botox clinic from Stevenage in Hertfordshire talks about where does botox come from and dispel some of the myths associated with botox.
Botox® is a purified protein complex produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum type A which contains the same toxin that causes food poisoning.
In highly purified form Botox® is a chemical that is found in nature. This natural chemical produced by bacteria that commonly present in spoiled foods was first discovered in 1895. But it is only in the last few decades that many medicinal properties of Botox® have been identified.
Now this is where patients could be a bit scared when we mention food poisoning. Botox® is like any other drug you may have been given, in low doses it is therapeutic and in very high doses it is dangerous.
Rest assured the amount of botox you would need is such a tiny small fraction of any potential damage that could be caused by extremely high doses.
We have used botox for many years now and extensive research has been undertaken regarding its safety and it has been concluded that is it perfectly safe to use botox at the doses we use for cosmetic reasons.
I use it personally myself and so does my wife – if I had any doubts about its safety I would not risk myself or my wife or my patients.
For more information about botox hertfordshire in Stevenage, call us on 0800 006 2266.
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