With so many people wanting a brighter and whiter smile, there has been a big increase in advertising and promoting this service. We have had a number of patients comparing our fees for teeth whitening to the local beauty salon down the road.
Only dental professionals are allowed to carry out teeth whitening and this is reinforced by the General Dental Council.
General Dental Council statement on tooth whitening
The practice of dentistry
The practice of dentistry is limited to GDC registrants. It is the Council’s view that applying materials and carrying out procedures designed to improve the aesthetic appearance of teeth amounts to the practice of dentistry. So too does the giving of clinical advice about such procedures. Therefore all tooth whitening procedures, including bleach and laser treatment, are seen as the practice of dentistry by the General Dental Council. The carrying out of dentistry by non-registrants is a criminal offence and the Council will prosecute any persons undertaking this activity in appropriate cases.
Which GDC registrants can undertake tooth whitening?
Until recently, it was the Council’s position that only dentists could undertake tooth whitening. At the Council meeting in June 2008, it was decided that in addition to dentists being able to carry out tooth whitening, dental hygienists and dental therapists, on the prescription of a dentist, can carry out tooth whitening as an additional skill.
It has also been decided that dental nurses can, as an additional skill, take impressions and make bleaching trays to a dentist’s prescription.
Any registrant who undertakes work for which they are not sufficiently competent risks fitness to practise proceedings which may affect their registration.
I am all for competition, its makes us think about our own business and raises the standards for the public. In this instant, going for the cheaper option could have long term consequences. I remember my builder saying to me, ‘nothing cheap is good and nothing good is cheap’. Without a comprehensive examination and assessment of all the tooth structures, you will not know if teeth whitening is suitable for you, if it will achieve the desired result and if it will cause any sensitivity.
Why not look at the types of Professional Teeth Whitening we offer or call us on 01707 261367 for more information.
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