We have a large number of patients that had braces when they were younger and were happy with the final result. Then it all went downhill. Either they were not offered a retainer or they decided not to wear it. Now they have crooked teeth and will have to pay and go through the whole experience again.
This is why after every orthodontic case, whether it be invisalign stevenage, inman aligner stevenage or 6month smiles stevenage we insist on a retainer at the conclusion of the treatment.
There are normally 2 choices.
A fixed wire behind your front teeth. This has the advantage that it is there all the time. However some people might not like the thought of something permanent in their mouths.
The second choice is a clear removable retainer. This is normally worn full time for the first 3 months and nightly after this.
So if you don’t want to go back to crooked teeth, make sure you wear your retainers.
call us on 01707 261367 or visit orthodontics herts for more information.
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