We are very pleased to announce that we will be reopening our doors on the 6th July! We cannot wait to see you all!
We have been busy this week contacting everyone on our VIP appointment list. We are now taking new bookings from July 13th.
We are operating the following clinic times. These may be updated based on demand and any potential updated Government guidelines.
Mondays 10am – 5pm
Thursdays 12pm – 8pm
When our doors open again from July 6th you will notice some changes to how the clinic looks and operates. The full procedure can be found here. The highlights are:
- Please attend your appointment unaccompanied
- Limit personal possessions in the clinic
- Wash your hands upon entering the clinic and after your treatment
- Follow all two-metre markings
- Please pay by card
- Please wear the PPE provided and dispose of it correctly
- Do not attend your appointment if you have any Covid-19 symptoms, a cough, fever, cold or flu-like symptoms
- One patient in the clinic at any one time
- PPE for both staff and patients
- A deep clean of the clinic after every patient
- Designated hand washing facility
We continue to make our patient and staff safety our number one concern. We have purchased extensive PPE to ensure all of our safety.
This is what £2,000 worth of PPE looks like!
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