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How can dermal fillers be used for Jowls?
Jowls are the name for the lose skin that can form in some people in the lower face, below the jaw or cheeks. These can be a result of ageing and/or weight loss. As we age our bodies lose the natural fatty deposits under the skin. The result of this is the appearance of excess skin. Jowls can also form from the opposite problem – excess fat in the face. As fat is heavy it can cause the face to drop lower, causing jowls. Find out more about what causes jowls by clicking here (links to jowls conditions page).
Previously surgery used to be considered the main option to treat a jowl lift effectively. However, as clinicians have learnt more about the ageing process there are a wide variety of age defying non-surgical treatments now available on the market. Dermal fillers for jowls are one of them.
Jowl lift treatment
Dermal fillers can be successfully used to treat jowls, effectively diminishing, or reducing the appearance of jowls. Dermal fillers are injected into the lower face to replace lost volume, thus giving more structure back to the face.
As well as using dermal fillers for jowls, Botox® can also be the perfect complementing treatment for the jowls area, in some patients. Your Aesthetics Life clinician will discuss if Botox® can also be used to benefit your problem area. If it is decided you would benefit from both dermal fillers and Botox® for reducing the appearance of jowls, then Botox® will be injected near the jowl area. At Aesthetics Life we use a technique called the Nefertiti Lift which involves placing Botox® injections into the lower face, neck, and jaw. These together can lessen lines in the bottom of the face, smooth dimply chins, reduce sagging skin in the lower face, lessen lines on the neck and create a more pronounced jaw line. These together add more symmetry to a patient’s appearance, whilst also lifting jowls.
It may be suggested by your Aesthetics Life clinician that a set of treatments will resolve the problem area of jowls the best. Other treatments often suggested are fat dissolving, and cheek fillers. Fat dissolving can be used when the cause of the jowls is from excess fat in the face. Whereas fillers for the cheeks (link) can create a lifting effect in the mid-face, aiding to elevate excess skin found in the jowl area, thus improving the appearance by lifting the jowls – and generally rejuvenating the face. A combination of non-surgical treatments can often prove the most effective in combating jowls.
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