Dr Singh who runs his botox clinic in Stevenage, Hertfordshire, in his latest blog shares his thoughts on to botox or not to botox.
To Botox® or not to Botox®?
As the demand for non-surgical procedures continue to grow, with nine out of ten procedures consisting of Botox® Injections and Dermal Fillers.
There are many individuals including men opting to have Botox® treatment to prevent and delay the signs of ageing.
We are constantly bombarded through the media and societal pressures to look younger and more attractive. Is Botox® something to consider? There is no easy answer and it is primarily dependent on the person their health, personal and financial circumstances.
Many people are happy to sit back and allow themselves to grow old gracefully. However for others, personal and environmental factors can have a significant physiologic change to their skin especially noticeable around the face and neck. The aging process is related to a combination of loss of bone, fat, collagen and elastin, each of these are related to genetics and the environment. The aging process can also be accelerated further by:
Drinking heavily
Lack of daily beauty routine
Emotional stress
Changes in weight
Prolonged exposure to sun, wind and cold air
Lack of a healthy lifestyle and physical activity
Poor sleeping habits
Botox® treatments are designed specifically to revitalize the skin and smooth the lines to give you a more youthful and fresher look. Botox® Injections are injected directly into the muscle blocking the nerve endings. This reduces the muscle activity to give the face a smoother look.
For more information about botox hertfordshire, please call us on 0800 006 2266.
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