The best candidates for veneers are individuals who already have healthy teeth and gums, but who want to improve the look of their smile and correct minor problems, such as position and discoloration of unsightly looking teeth.
The long term success veneers does depend on a partnership between the specialist skills of the Cosmetic Dentist, the Dental Hygienist as the Preventative Expert along with the enthusiasm and compliance of the patient regarding their dental home care regime. With the right care and maintenance veneers can last approximately 15 years or more, but maintaining a disease free mouth will maintain and increase the longevity and durability of veneers.
It is important for the patient to be committed to carry out the advice prescribed by the dental team, as they are the ones that are in control of their mouth between visits to the practice.
Two main dental diseases that can decrease the lifespan of dental veneers are Tooth Decay & Periodontal Disease.
There are many oral care products now available that can all help to keep these diseases under control and at bay, along with attending your recommended dental appointments regularly.
Your dental hygienist is not a dentist but can certainly be of benefit to you as the Preventive Dental Specialist within a dental practice. Their key role is to save teeth whether they are natural teeth, implanted teeth, crowned or bridged teeth, filled teeth or veneered teeth!
Not only are they qualified to perform hygiene and periodontal maintenance therapy to eliminate and control dental disease but hygienists can be a great source of knowledge they are your in-house Dental Health Care Expert and support person in between your visits to the actual dentist.
Below is some simple advice to help preserve and protect your new veneers from the two most common dental diseases:
> Initially your dentist will assess your teeth and gums, and discuss with you any treatment that you need and then refer you to the hygienist for more specific care.
> A course of treatment may be recommended to get your mouth into good condition, and a maintenance plan will be worked out to enable you to sustain long term dental health.
> Visit your dentist and dental hygienist regularly, as often as they recommend.
> The hygienist will professionally scale and remove all bacterial deposits of plaque and calculus from surfaces of your teeth, above and below the gums, which are often in areas that patients cannot clean themselves.
> The hygienist can advise and show you the best oral hygiene tools, products and techniques to help you you’re your mouth plaque free in between visits, including around your veneers to help control and maintain periodontal disease.
> Your hygienist can help you, by looking at your decay problem, your diet and by making some recommendations for you to consider and give you dietary advice to minimize the risk of tooth decay
> The hygienist can inform and advice you how smoking, alcohol, certain health problems & medication can affect your teeth and gums.
> Your dentist will also make sure that all your fillings and other teeth are in good condition and do not present with any rough edges that can become plaque traps and therefore making those areas difficult to clean and more prone to gum infection and disease.
aestheticsPreventative Treatment can give your veneers eternal results providing you follow the correct advice and maintenance pre, post and during your treatment… let aesthetics help you make the most of your investment – veneers herts
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