I contacted Mr Singh by email about 6 months before I actually went along to the practise, having seen an article on the new premises at Stevenage in a Health and Safety notice at work – inc the cost incentive to new joiners though my Company and the offer for whitening which I had always wanted done.
I knew I needed to do something but had been with my dentist for over 20 years (habit / comfort zone / loyalty and too worried to change as teeth are so very important and I didn’t want to risk any potential unnecessary work – you hear these scary stories!)
My teeth were badly scored due to wearing a brace, also worn down and discoloured making me feel self conscious and not wishing them to be seen, hence a half hearted smile was all I would do (if that) and had low self esteem – I didn’t realise I also had gum inflammation.
Eventually I made an appointment and went along, I felt nervous but the environment was lovely and I couldn’t believe Mr Singh greeted me personally and shook my hand, everything was then discussed and explained while I watched TV (how cool is that). Having seen a picture (framed!) of my teeth as they were was such a shock – no hiding this had to be dealt with.
I decided to change dentists there and then and trust Mr Singh’s work and the latest technology possible, this being 2 veneers at the front which I had done and hygiene appointments – I also joined Denplan.
Mr Singh remained polite and smiled at all times, even when I went on to hit him on the head with the mirror whilst checking my newly fitted veneers.
All of the staff are welcoming and friendly at all times; such a nice feeling knowing you can easily ask questions and feel comfortable and welcome.
All sorted I carried on happily smiling and showing people my white, straight new smile, often having comments made as to the whiteness! Self esteem back with a vengeance!
I was happy to talk to another lady who had enquired about veneers and explain my experience was excellent and the results are amazing.
I recommended my friend joined, which she did. Excellent, I then got a phone call that I had won a recommend a friend prize, so off we went to Dublin and had the best time ever all thanks to changing dentists!
Smile wiped off my face not long after that – literally
My first maiden voyage on my new push bike lasted approx 5 mins before I went flying over the handle bars.
I smashed 1 veneer in half and was lucky (?) enough to have the 2nd one intact but pushed backwards and very loose.
Having got the bike home in bits I realised my smile was in bits also and emotionally I was so very upset – What to do it was a Saturday lunch time, how do I handle this?
I remembered Mr Singh said to call on his mobile in emergencies, I did this but was nervous doing so as I didn’t want to disturb him. He downed his BBQ tools for the family BBQ and met me @ Stevenage and opened up the dentist especially, even though he had not long left there and was settled back at home. I was very overwhelmed and relieved, I think I was probably wanting advice and reassurance not expecting any more – I got off the phone feeling confident that he would help me.
He fitted a temporary tooth, took impressions for the new veneer (crown) and there you go smile restored within a matter of hours of the accident (shame he couldn’t fix the black eye, cracked ribs and bike as well !). No one would even know that I had literally smashed my tooth off earlier in the day….
Now that is really what I call Customer Care.
Finally a filling fell out and was replaced, much happier now as this is white one – I suspect vanity has sneaked into my life now as well as I know the options available to me!
Changing to aesthetics was one of the best things I have ever done and I have not looked back, I have even changed hairdressers now a few times trying them out (Unheard of – so easy to stick with what you know but there’s so much more out there, you have to trust and try new things!)
I would next like to have invisalign braces to complete my look and find the prospect exciting and not at all daunting as I would have done before.
I now have so much more knowledge regarding my teeth, their care and the latest technology to keep them that way thanks to Mr Singh’s newsletter which I take time to read as I now find the subject fascinating (anorak now ???!!!!!!! – Joking)
I don’t miss appointments now unless I’m ill – the txt reminder is a must!
Summary of work I have had done:
Whitened / 2 front veneers / Hygienist advice and cleaning – worked to reduced gum inflammation / Emergency temp veneer out of hours after an accident / veneer after my accident / root canal treatment following infection in the 2nd veneer, also related to the accident / Replacement filling with white filler.
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