Thanks to Smita for this blog entry.
Remember the days:
> When you didn’t even have a home computer?
Now, most people have more than 1 computer at both work and home!
> When we listened to vinyl records and tapes for our cassette players enjoy the sounds of music?
Now most people have 3-5 I-pods, even CD’s are becoming a thing of the past!
> When we had to queue to use public telephones?
Now everyone in the house has a mobile phones!
> When we had to go down the shops to buy furniture, and do our food shopping?
Now at the click of a button we can get these items delivered to our home.
…and once we got these new gadgets/features our lives were never the same. These changes can make us feel better and give us a better quality of life, don’t you think?
Well the same thing has happened in Dentistry!
We have seen changes that have irreversibly affected the direction of our profession and improved the quality of our services and treatment available for our clients.
Below is just a small list of some of the changes that have occurred specifically in Dentistry?
> We have better materials so we can now say to our patients “We can make that crown look better”.
> Quick and instant insight to your mouth via digital x-rays (90% less radiation compared to conventional x-rays) and so no waiting days to get the results of your x rays.
> Large plasma or computer screens to show patients images of their own mouth in order to educate them of their dental problems and requirements.
> Ultra fast dental drills and equipment – which produce less noise but more patient comfort!
> Computers in the practice, no more paper client records tucked in folders that get misfiled or misplaced. In just 5 minutes we can see everything we need to know about our clients. This system all client records are kept secure and confidential.
> We use as many disposable items as possible when treating clients.
> Have protective clothing and eyewear for clients as well as staff, to minimise any risk of cross contamination.
> Modern sterilisation techniques, being monitored regularly to ensure equipment is totally sterile. It is absolutely not acceptable or legal to just make do with placing unsterile and used instruments in boiling water or strong chemicals anymore.
> Ultrasonic scaling machines– to remove tartar and stain more efficiently in a comfortable way.
> Anaesthetising gel can be applied prior to dental treatment so you avoid feeling the dental injection…how clever is that!
> Modern Soft Tissue laser therapy – to help in gum healing.
> Antibiotic Therapy and Chemotherapeutics are now available to assist in fighting gum disease and dental decay.
> Power toothbrushes which has been proven to be more effective than a manual toothbrush.
> We have new products and treatments available help our patients in their fight against bacterial infections in their mouths.
> We have excellent home care products that are easy to incorporate in to your daily routine after tooth brushing.
> We are able to educate and teach children and young adults from a young age how to prevent dental diseases such as decay and gum disease.
> Allow clients to make informed choices about the dental treatment available for their needs.
> We give our clients a choice of cosmetic and more aesthetically pleasing smiles with tooth coloured fillings, veneers, implants, same day crowns, and professional teeth whitening.
> We can now avoid having to wear unsightly metal braces for years and years to straighten crooked teeth with the different option in choosing invisible or tooth coloured orthodontic treatments.
> We have sealants and fluoride available to protect enamel of teeth from a young age.
> New research has encouraged new treatments on how we can actually reverse decay.
www. 01707 261367
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