We have had a number of enquires regarding dental implants. Here are the most frequently asked questions and their answers:
When are implants indicated?
If you have gaps or missing teeth and there is sufficient jaw bone to hold the implant.
When are implants not indicated?
If there is insufficient bone, a traumatic bite is present or there is active gum disease.
What can you do for me with implants?
We can restore gaps in your mouth and hold dentures in place more firmly with implant retained dentures.
Why cant I just have dentures?
Dentures are not fixed in your jaw unlike implants, if there is not much support for the detures, these will move around. You can either have implants by themselves or if a number of teeth are missing, you can have implant retained dentures.
Why cant I just have a bridge?
This is an option, but would normally require drilling down the teeth on either side of the gap.
How long do they last?
All our work is guaranteed for 5 years. However on average the implants should last around 15-20 years.
What is the process?
After the initial assessment , there are 2 stages involved. The first is the placement of the implant and then after a suitable period, the false tooth is placed over the implant.
How long does it take?
The average timescale is around 6 months.
How much might it cost?
The implant itself is around £2500.
Can I have sedation?
This is possible. We are here to make your treatment as comfortable as possible.
Will it hurt?
Not at all. We will make every visit as comfortable as possible.
What if I have no teeth, what can you do for me?
You could have implant retained dentures which are much more stable then dentures alone.
My dentures wobble, what can be done?
You could be a candidate for implant retained dentures.
For more information see implants Hertfordshire or call us on 01707 261367
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