Dr Harry Singh discusses aesthetic treatments available to redefine the chin.
Whether you are bothered by a weak chin, a dimpled chin or a double chin, there are treatments which can be combined to redefine your chin to the prominence you desire.
Many of us by-pass the chin when we think about the beauty and definition of the face, focussing instead on lips, cheeks and eyes, yet the chin is a vital component which creates facial proportions that are considered optimal for beauty. Mathematical balance is important, so imperfections in the chin can throw a spanner in the works.
Being concerned about the cosmetic appearance of your chin is an issue for both men and women, and treatment can be tailored equally to produce a strong and appropriately contoured-look to the area to suit both the female and male face.
At my clinic in Stevenage, Hertfordshire, I offer many treatment options specifically aimed at improving the area of and around the chin. A combined approach is common-place in facial aesthetic treatments as it provides a more targeted option aimed at optimising results and providing the most effective solutions to volume loss, overactive muscles, stubborn fat and lax tissue.
Chin Fillers
In some people their chin just simply doesn’t protrude far enough outwards from their face, this is known as a weak or recessive chin. This means there is no clear definition between the chin and the neck. This can make the mouth and lips look out of proportion. Using the Restylane range of hyaluronic acid (HA) based dermal fillers, I can build volume and shape into the chin. The natural enhancement will last between 6 and 9 months, as the body will naturally metabolise the HA over time, so you will require repeat treatments to maintain the desired look.
Scrotal Chin
Dimpling on the chin, likened to the bumps that you see on the outside of a golf ball, or less flatteringly a ‘scrotal chin’, can be troublesome if they are present even when no muscle contraction or facial expression is being made. The cause of the dimples is over activity in a muscle called mentalis. This means that the dimples which would usually only appear when the chin is moved by mentalis are present all the time, as deep wrinkles or creases or visible depressions and craters. To reduce the action of this muscle, we can use botulinum toxin injections, perhaps in combination with dermal fillers to treat the deeper wrinkles and folds. Specifically, I use a brand called Azzalure™, but you may also have heard of Botox®. The use of botulinum toxin is a prescription only medicine, so first we will need to have a face-to-face consultation, so I can diagnose the over activity in the mentalis and decide if Azzalure treatment is appropriate. Botulinum toxin treatment lasts about 4 months before the reduction in muscle activity is restored, so repeat treatments are needed to maintain the reduction in wrinkling of the chin.
Double Chins
Ageing often leads to small, stubborn pockets of fat in places that we’d rather not have them, and a double chin is a very common concern for both men and women as they get older. A double chin is a combination of the extra fatty tissue alongside sagging skin which has its lost elasticity. Injection lipolysis with Desoface provides a great solution to essentially melt the fat cells, allowing them to be flushed out naturally by the body. Desoface uses an ingredient called sodium deoxycholate (deoxycholic acid) which breaks down the fat cells allowing them to expel their lipid contents. Multiple treatment sessions are needed, and the results will develop over a few weeks as the body flushes out the lipids and the overlying skin starts to tighten up again.
If you are not happy with the appearance of your chin then please arrange a consultation appointment with me, Dr. Harry Singh at Aesthetics in Stevenage, Hertfordshire and we can discuss the most suitable treatment options for you. Please call us on 0800 006 2266.
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