Dr Singh who runs his botox clinic in Stevenage, Hertfordshire in his latest blog writes about whether your facial expressions will be affected by botox treatments.
Many patients are concerned that after their initial botox treatment that they will look false, fake, unnatural and wont be able to move their faces at all.
This all stems from celebrities that have been over botoxed and appear on TV looking strange.
This is not normal and can be completely avoided. We can vary the strength of the botox administered and the volume of botox given. These 2 variables can allow us to control the look you want to achieve.
We can still reduce or even eliminate your unwanted lines and wrinkles, but still allow you to carry out normal facial expressions, so no one can tell you have had botox treatment.
I always under dose and new patient I see for the first time. I would rather the patient come back after 2 weeks for a free top up than be over doses initially and look strange.
For more information about botox hertfordshire, please contact us on 0800 006 2266.
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