With all the news yesterday regarding unlicensed practitioners carrying out botox and dermal fillers, I thought I would reassure my patients and the public.
Up until now botox has always been a prescription based medicine. Therefore before you can administer the procedure you would need an assessment to make sure the treatment is suitable for you. Then only practitioners with a prescribing licence (dentists, doctors and nurse prescribers) would be able to order the botox.
Dermal fillers were previously not prescription medicines. So in theory anyone could inject this. I am glad they have pushed to make dermal fillers prescription based and fall into line with the same criteria as botox.
Dr Singh carries out botox and dermal fillers in his clinic aesthetics, based in Stevenage. As a registered dentist he can assess, prescribe and carry out all anti wrinkle treatments. He also adheres to strong cross infection measures, which means he has a liceneced company to remove and dispose of his clinical waste. He also, uses single use sundries.
If you are unsure whether your practitioner is suitably qualified, you can always ask to see their training certificates and proof of insurance. In addition ask to se some of their before and after photos and any testimonials they may have from other patients.
If you are still in doubt, you should never be put under pressure to have the treatment on the same day as the consultation. I always allow time for patients to make an informed decision before they commit to any treatment.
It is after all your face and you want to place it in the hands of someone you trust and feel comfortable with.
For more information on botox hertfordshire and how anti wrinkle treatments such as botox can help you, please contact Dr Sing on 0800 006 2266.
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