Dr Singh who runs his botox clinic from Stevenage in Hertfordshire shares in his latest blog – when will you see the results from the botox treatment
Immediately after your botox treatment you may feel that your head is slightly heavy and we recommend to drink plenty of water after the treatment.
During the next 3 to 4 days you should feel your skin tightening. In general the effects of the botox should be apparent between 5-14 days. In some patients it can be quicker and in some it does take the whole 14 days to see the full results. That is why we don’t book any top ups with botox until at least 2 weeks after the initial treatment.
The reason it takes time for the botox to work we must first understand the mechanisms of its action. Once the botox is injected into the muscle, it take s a while for it to bind to the receptors that cause the chemical release for the muscle to contract. The speed of this process is different in different people.
We always review all our patients after 2 weeks to see if you require any top ups and also to find out how long it took for you to see the results.
For more information about botox hertfordshire, call us on 0800 006 2266.
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