We have many new patients that are keen to go ahead with botox in hertfordshire but are slightly unsure. However they don’t know what questions they should be asking to reassure them. I have complied a list below of the most commonly questions we get asked. This should help you make an informed decision on whether you feel confident to go ahead with the procedure.
How long will I expect the Botox® to last?
Can you explain to me how does it work?
How much does it cost?
May I see your Botox® before and after pictures?
How many of Botox® injections have you done?
Do you offer free top ups?
What happens if I am unhappy with the results?
Who does the actual injection, you or another staff member?
If another staff member, what are his/her qualifications?
Where is the procedure done?
For more information on how botox hertfordshire can help you roll back the years, please phone Harry in Stevenage, Hertfordshire on 0800 006 2266.
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