Dr Singh who runs his botox clinic in Stevenage, Hertfordshire in his latest blog writes about whether botox can treat lines/bags under the eye.
Botox® has been used for a number of years to treat successfully areas sucgh as the frown, forehead and crows feet (side of the eyes). As many patients have had these 3 areas treated, they notice under areas of unwanted lines and wrinkles such as under the eyes.
Before we discuss whether botox can treat your concerns under the yes, we need to know how botox works. Botox® works by relaxing our muscles so they don’t contract. Therefore anywhere there is a muscle contracting, botox can be used to stop this muscle contracting, with this contraction, our lines and wrinkles are caused.
Directly under the eyes, there is not a muscle contracting that causes the lines. So botox is not used for directly under the yes. Also you want some movement int this area, as, if this is frozen by injecting too much laterally to under the eyes, when you smile, you will cause a line running down your cheek.
The bagginess under the eye, is caused by loose skin and same again, this cannot be treated with botox.
There are alternatives available to treat lines/bagginess under the eyes, such as; creams, laser treatment, surgery, fine fillers and skin products/peels.
For more information about botox hertfordshire, please contact us on 0800 006 2266.
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