Dr Singh who runs his botox clinic in Stevenage, Hertfordshire, in his latest blog talks about botox and the latest trends.
The biggest trend that I have seen in the botox industry is the trend away from traditional cosmetic surgery and towards less expensive minimally invasive procedures, such as botox. Patients are asking for botox treatments that help maintain a natural look, rather than extreme changes. One of the commonest requests made by my botox patients is not to give them a frozen look, but a more natural one that other people wont notice. These patients are asking fora younger, fresher and less tired look.
The other trend is to treat the whole face and not just a particular area with botox. You don’t want to become a line chaser. As well as treating the whole face, patients are asking advice regarding any skin concerns they may have. We have known for a long time that botox works much better when the underlying skin tone and texture is ideal.
An old trend that has not disappeared is that women are the majority in terms of asking and undertaking botox treatments.
For more information about botox hertfordshire, please call us on 0800 006 2266.
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