Dr Singh who runs his botox clinic in Stevenage, Hertfordshire, in his latest blog shares his thoughts on the baby step process in botox and facial aesthetics.
With current trends advising the full face assessment and treatment with botox, you maybe as a patient be thinking where to start. Each case is unique and no treatment plan with botox fits all, however below I outline a typical botox protocol for my patients. I would normally suggest starting off with botox in the upper third of the face. This will give the most dramatic and quickest result and is relatively straightforward and comfortable for the patient to handle. I would initially do no other treatment at the patients first visit than botox here and then let the patient return for the botox review appointment in a couple of weeks. At the review appointment, we would ask how the patient feels and reassess the areas treated and if needed, administer a botox top up.
Then we would start to look at the mid face and lower face areas. Normally, but not always we are looking at replacing loss volume with dermal fillers. This is amore invasive and longer procedure compared to botox and thats why I would not offer this treatment as the first choice, well not until the patient has experienced other treatments with me. There is also more downtime associate with dermal fillers compared to botox treatments.
The time frame for the full face treatment can be as short or as long as the patient feels comfortable and to some degree, affordability will come into play. I always tell my patients that there is no rush to have everything done, and we would not want to change the face dramatically over a short period of time, where others may notice. A slow gradual approach is always preferred.
For more information about botox hertfordshire, please call us on 0800 006 2266.
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