Dr Singh who runs his botox clinic in Stevenage, Hertfordshire in his latest blog writes about what to do if you see no results a week after your botox treatment.
Before we answer this questions, lets explore how botox works and this will guide us on the likely time factor involved before you see the results from your botox procedure.
Botox® works at the nerve junction of the muscle selected. It stops the nerve transmitting an impulse to the muscle signaling it to contract. There are many thousands of nerve junctions that need to stop working.
On average it will take anything between 5-10 days for all the nerve impulses to stop and that is when you will see the full results of the botox. You may still require a top up of additional botox if the muscles can still contract.
This is also the reason why the effects of botox will last between 3-6 months. The nerves start to rebuild and will start contracting the muscle again, and thats when your lines and wrinkles will reappear.
Therefore it is not abnormal not to see any results after a week from the botox treatment. I tell all my patients that it can take up to a maximum of 10 days and I wont give any top ups of botox before this time period. I don’t want to inject a top up whilst the original botox has not completely had tome to work.
For more information about botox hertfordshire, please contact us on 0800 006 2266.
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