Dr Singh who runs his botox clinic in Stevenage, Hertfordshire, in his latest blog talks about a phone call he had recently from a jealous husband.
The majority of my patients are females and a lot of them don’t tell their husbands or partners about seeing me for botox. There are a number of reasons that they may not wish to inform their other half, and some of theses reasons they tell me this are:
- its my money and I can spend it on whatever I like
- my partner would not understand
- I am having botox for myself and it makes me feel and look good, so I don’t do it for anyone else
We take patient confidentiality very seriously and respect all our patients wishes. We would never leave messages on mobiles or home/work telephone numbers regarding any botox appointments, etc.
When patients ring for their botox appointments, they have many alias names they use to hide the fact that I am their ‘go to guy’ for botox. I have been told some of the names I come under, such as
- Dr Singh
- Harry
- Dr Harry
- Salon
- Facial
Now last Thursday I took a call from a regular patient of mine for the last 4 years. She wanted to book her next botox appointment. After speaking to many botox patients over many years, I can judge if they are talking to me when people around them are present and these people don’t know what they are ringing me for and the caller does not want to reveal the nature of their call to me. So when this patient rings the conversation goes something like this:
Me: Good afternoon, thank you for calling aesthetics, how can I help you?
Patient: I need to see you quick, when can I come around
Me: No problems, what is your name?
Patient: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Me: Oh, Hi xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, how are you?
Patient: Cant talk, what do you have
Me: Next Tuesday at 4pm
Patient: Will need to check, will call back in 10 minutes, don’t ring me, I will call you
Me: Ok, bye
10 minutes later the phone rings with the same number. I am expecting the patient to confirm the appointment. Instead its a man’s voice and he is rather annoyed. He says, “I don’t know who you are but what are you doing with my wife Harry, why is she calling you, what to you do, where do you live”
Now what can I say, I cant tell him, that she is my patient (breaking confidentially rules). I just say first thing that comes into my mind and say, ‘Sorry you have the wrong number’ and I put the phone down.
Now do I tell the patient that her husband suspects she is having an affair and he thinks its me!
I decide to leave alone, see no evil, hear no evil.
Later that same day, I get a text from the patient. Her husband confronted her about me and she had to come clean about why she called me and what I do. She said what raised her husbands concerns was when he looked at her call history, he saw the contact as ‘Harry Beautiful’. She joked and said she chose that name as after her botox treatment she feels beautiful. Obviously her husband had another meaning to the name!
For more information about botox hertfordshire, please call us on 0800 006 2266.
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