Dr Singh who runs his botox clinic in Stevenage, Hertfordshire, in his latest blog shares his thoughts on where botox can be used in the lower face.
Botox® has been used for a number of years to treat the upper third of the face, notably the frown, forehead and eye muscles. Botox® worked well in these regions as the muscles were large and any spread of botox helped us achieve the look the botox patient wanted.
In more recent times botox usage and indications has expanded and we commonly use botox for the lower third of the face. The commonest usage of botox in the lower face is:
Chin – you can reduce or eliminate chin dimpling, known as the orange peel effect with botox
Smokers lines – vertical lines present in the upper lip region is another indication for botox
Uplift corners of the mouth – botox can be used to subtly lift the corners of the mouth to reduce the ‘sad look’
Jaw line – same again the results with botox are very subtle, but botox can tighten the jaw line in certain cases
Neck – botox can reduce or eliminate lines across the neck which make you appear older than you really are
For more information about botox hertfordshire, please call us on 0800 006 2266.
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