Dr Singh who runs his botox clinic in Stevenage, Hertfordshire, in his latest blog writes about his experience of moving his clinic to Stevenage, Hertfordshire almost a year ago.
When you have a loyal client base of botox patients that you have steadily built up over 5 years, there is always going to be some worry when you relocate your clinic to Stevenage, Hertfordshire.
But I had nothing to worry about, looking back at the figures, over 90% of my botox patients followed me to Stevenage and I would like to thank them personally for placing their trust in my hands.
Working from my botox clinic in Stevenage has some advantage and disadvantages.
The advantages are there is no traveling time, the overheads are a lot less, I can be flexible with my botox appointment times.
The disadvantages of a home clinic in Stevenage are that I don’t see the outside world and I have tended to snack and eat a lot more, as the fully stocked up kitchen is only a few seconds away.
Once we got past the neighbours from Stevenage giving us funny looks when my botox ladies were popping in and out of my house, when my wife was at work, it has been a very enjoyable experience.
We wish all our botox patients a great Christmas and we look forward to seeing you in 2014 in Stevenage.
For more information about botox hertfordshire, please call us on 0800 006 2266.
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