Dr Singh who runs his botox clinic in Stevenage, Hertfordshire, in his latest blog talks about a recent conversation he had with a member of the public.
I attended a networking lunch last week in London and as usual early on in conversations with new people, the topic of occupation jumps up. I usually reply with the title of facial aesthetician and have to follow this up, with botox and dermal fillers.
I get 2 reactions. One is in favour of botox. They either have had the treatment previously or are considering the process. These people are genuinely interested and are normally well informed.
The other reaction I get, is like I have announced I am a mass murderer. This group of people can become quite hostile and rude. I have nothing in people voicing their opinions or not agreeing to my point of view. Bit what frustrates me, is their reasoning comes from ill informed, friends, bad and inaccurate press in the media or what they read in a glossary magazine.
Now, I am not saying there are some bad cases of botox and not all is perfect. But when these people try to act out and demonstrate a wind swept look, it just makes me laugh.
The other miss informed point they will undoubtedly make, is that botox is poisonous. I try to explain that all medicines in low doses are therapeutic and in extreme doses can kill you. But they are beyond reasoning. They have made their mind up. What gets me is if they are so anti botox, then why do they try to argue their point for the next 30 minutes or so.
They also comment, that they would never be a patient of mine and quite frankly I would not accept them as patients .
Rant over! If you are the first half of people that are genuinely interested in the miracle effects of botox on your lines and subsequently your confidence. I have all the time in the world to talk to you and welcome you with open arms to my botox clinic.
For more information about botox hertfordshire, please call us on 0800 006 2266.
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