Dr Singh who runs his botox clinic in Stevenage, Hertfordshire, in his latest blog shares the recent report by the Government regarding non surgical procedures such as botox.
Advertising Cosmetic Procedures (such as botox) and Products
Advertising in the UK is regulated by a system of co- regulation and self-regulation enforced by the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) through codes of practice. There is no specific code for non-surgical procedures. These procedures are currently regulated through codes covering medicines, medical devices, health-related products and beauty products. The Independent Healthcare Advisory Service (IHAS), the main trade body of the cosmetic sector, has also developed industry wide codes of practice. However, enforcing these policies remains a challenge, particularly in relation to online marketing.
The Keogh Review (see Box 5) has recommended that the ASA and industry take a more proactive stance in addressing bad practice, which includes:
unrealistic claims about the benefits of cosmetic (botox) products
advertising that trivialises risks associated with cosmetic procedures
misleading claims about the qualifications of practitioners that perform botox treatments
the targeting of people below the age of 18 for botox injections
high pressure sales techniques.
Box 5. The Keogh Review: the Department of Health’s Independent Review of the Regulation of Cosmetic Interventions Primarily in response to the PIP breast implant scandal, the DH commissioned a review by Professor Sir Bruce Keogh of the regulation of cosmetic interventions. The PIP scandal involved breast implants which had unusually high rupture rates. The report identified ethical and regulatory challenges raised by the cosmetic sector, including:
loopholes in European and national regulation of cosmetic products and devices
the use of prescription products and other treatments by unlicensed professionals
lack of professional oversight of those performing non-surgical cosmetic procedures
absence of or inadequate screening of patients for psychological and health issues by some providers
lack of legal redress for consumers when things go wrong
misleading advertising and marketing practices.
For more information about botox hertfordshire, please call us on 0800 006 2266.
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