We have all seen those celebrities that have gone a bit overboard with their botox treatments. You can see them a mile off and the tell tale signs are – no movement, shiny foreheads, no facial expressions. However this gives botox a bad press and a lot of people are put off by this look. Contrary to popular belief, you can control the final look you achieve after the botox treatment.
Your be glad to hear that this is the minority. The majority of our patients want a natural look and the biggest complement our patients tell us is that their husbands and partners dont know they have the botox treatment. There are many people that are walking around that have had the botox treatment and you can’t tell that they have had this procedure. We all notice the ones that are over frozen and this sticks in our minds.
Most of us undertake the procedure for ourselves, whether to boost our confidence, improve our skin complexion or turn back the years. We dont want people starring at us and wondering what treatments we have had carried out.
Dr Singh in his clinic in Hertfordshire always under dose all new patients and review the results after 2 weeks. It is far easier to add a top up later, than over dose initially and be stuck with the frozen look for a few months.
Come and see Dr Singh for botox in hertfordshire for the natural look that no one can tell you have had done.
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