You may be wondering why a dentist would be working in non-surgical facial aesthetics. The truth is that dentists are actually ideally placed to perform such treatment, since we have undergone five years of undergraduate education focusing just on the face, never mind the postgraduate training that inevitably follows!
A large part of what we learn involves not just teeth but also the anatomical structures allied to the mouth, as well as providing oral treatment that is in proportion with the patient’s face, and we are experts at administering pain-free injection.
We dentists, just like any other healthcare professional that patients see on a regular basis, are in the fortunate position of being able to build rapport and therefore trust. Who better then, for our patients seeking non-surgical facial aesthetic treatment, to deliver it when that all-important trust is already there?
Perfect partners
In addition, cosmetic dentistry and non-surgical facial aesthetic treatment are ideal bed fellows. In my experience, patients who have elected to undergo cosmetic dental procedures tend to be interested in the possibility of facial aesthetics, and vice versa.
So what are the possible treatments to complement our patients’ smiles? They include, but are not limited to:
1. Plumping of lips subtly (injecting the hyaluronic acid dermal filer just in the borders of the lips) or by increasing the volume (injecting in the body of the lips) to enhance a smile with white, straight teeth
2. Volumisation in the mid face area, especially in patients who have lost some teeth in the cheek area, as well as replacing lost volume or filling deep lines in the nose to mouth (naso labial folds) and mouth to chin (marionette) lines with dermal fillers
3. Botulinum Toxin to target dynamic muscles. One example of its use is to reduce a gummy smile; weakening the muscles responsible for raising the lip with a small amount of toxin results in a gentler and softer upward pull when a patient smiles, allowing all of the teeth to be seen but decreasing the amount of gum on show
4. Temporomandibular joint disorders can be treated with Botulinum Toxin as part of a comprehensive treatment plan, and it can be added to treat bruxism in addition to normal dental procedures.
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