Dr Singh who runs his botox clinic in Stevenage, Hertfordshire, in his latest blog shares his thoughts on botox and the eyes.
Botox® can be used to treat the lines around the eyes which appear when you smile. These lines are either known as smile lines or Crows feet.
Before we use botox injections to treat these smile lines, we must first assess what type of smile you are. There are broadly speaking two types of smilers.
The first type use their eyes to smile and they will have lines that are high up in the upper third of the eyes.
The second type are cheek smilers and they will have smile lines in the lower third of the eyes and across their cheeks.
You maybe asking so what, what difference does this make.
With eye smilers and the lines high up, we can be confident of either reducing or eliminating these lines with our botox treatments. However the cheek smilers we need to be much more careful when treating with botox. We do not want to over freeze with botox in the border area of the eyes and cheeks. If we over freeze with botox in this area, when the patient tries to smile, the cheek will resist and cause unwanted lines across the cheek or even scrunching of the skin under the eyes
in addition to varying the dose with botox when injecting lower down, we must also inject away from the eye at least 1cm away. Botox® can spread up to 1cm, so we want to avoid the delicate and important structures within the orbital rim.
Botox® can work very well in treating unwanted lines around the eyes, but a detailed assessment of the patient is mandatory before any botox treatments is started.
For more information about botox hertfordshire, please call us on 0800 006 2266.
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