Many of our patients that see us for botox in hertfordshire are slightly unsure on what will happen during the procedure. I have outlined the generic sequence of events that most patients will undergo. Obviously the specifics will change per patient.
1. we would always carry out an initial consultation to see what you are concerned with and how we can help you
2. we would normally book 2 appointments, the first being where the procedure is undertaken and the second would be a review appointment 2 weeks after the initial appointment
3. the initial treatment appointment would last 30mins. The actual procedure only takes a couple of minutes
4. once we have completed the procedure, we would give you some post treatment instructions and book your review appointment
5. at the review appointment we would see your results and get your views on this
6. on average the effects of the botox would last around 3/4 months
if you feel botox hertfordshire which is based in Stevenage can help you, please call on 0800 006 2266.
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